Over time, daily stress can change a person's health. Muscles along the spine can shorten, spinal joints can begin to lock while postures twist and shift.
Most importantly, the nerves inside the spine that connect the brain to the body start to be affected.
The spinal nerve tension begins to change the core of your body.
Designed in 2 parts - your Support Core, keeps you balanced and upright. Proper muscle and nerve control are essential to remain healthy and mobile.
Your Communication Core connects the brain to all your body functions. Interference to this vital communication affects your body's ability to regulate temperature as well as control organ and gland function.
Based on a scale from 0-100, the higher the number, the better the communication along those important nerves.
Your Core Score reveals how much interference is in your Support and Communication Core and how we can help you.
Determines your overall ability to adapt to the daily stress you encounter
Evaluates the control of the muscles that support and move your spine.
Assesses the part of your nervous system that helps control your organs, glands and blood vessels.
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